![]() | This is an information page. It is not an encyclopedic article, nor one of Wikipedia's policies or guidelines; rather, its purpose is to explain certain aspects of Wikipedia's norms, customs, technicalities, or practices. It may reflect differing levels of consensus and vetting. |
This page serves as a central repository for scripts on Wikipedia. Please feel free to improve any of these scripts but make sure to test your changes first. Like the rest of Wikipedia, all material here is under CC BY-SA 4.0. See licensing for further details.
[edit]Remember to Keep it simple, stupid. Do one thing and do it well; this is a place for simple scripts and not whole programs.
[edit]All material on Wikipedia is by default under the CC BY-SA license (and in most cases, also the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)). The CC BY-SA license is designed for artistic and literary works, but not for software. However, version 4.0 of CC BY-SA allows its "ShareAlike" provision to be fulfilled by releasing modified code under the GPL, version 3. However, if you want your work to be of the greatest use to the public, please consider dual-licensing it so that reusers can take advantage of future versions of the GPL. Like the GFDL, the GPL is released by the Free Software Foundation. You can use both by explicitly stating in a comment at the start of your script that your script is dual-licensed under the GPL.
IRC channel scripts
[edit]- /mIRC wikilink scripts - activate wikilinks in mIRC
- /Tea time - forces you to use correct capitalization and punctuation on IRC.
- /Wikimedia RC Watcher - watch all channels in, and lists the live RC in a separate list window with editing access via right-click
- /Revision ID linker into SVN - linking revision ids
- /Bug linking into Mediazilla ver 0.1
- User:Chzz/mIRC/x - Channel operator script to quiet Freenode webclient users quickly, on hex IP mask
- /Wikilinks - Makes wikilinks clickable in the output window; contributed to the public domain by IceKarma on April 22, 2005.
Scripts for Colloquy
[edit]- WikipediaLink - makes links clickable in Colloquy, an IRC client for Mac OS X.
Scripts for XChat/HexChat
[edit]Scripts for ircII
[edit]A brief ON trigger for ircII that works with #mwlink below. If I was really elite this would all be in ircII script language, but that would be really too awful to contemplate: besides which, the filter can be useful for other purposes.
set exec_protection off on public - on #^public 0 * if (match(*[[* [$2-])) { exec mwlink $shellfix($Z$1<$0> $2-) } { echo $Z$1<$0> $2- }
Note: setting exec_protection off could make you vulnerable to exploits by others unless you know what you're doing with your ON triggers.
Also, the $Z$1<$0> $2- is my preferred format for channel messages; yours may differ.
This is efficient in the sense that it only invokes the filter for lines containing a wiki link; it is inefficient because it invokes it for every line. I couldn't get persistent process communication working for ircII--if someone else can, that would be great.
[edit]This ircII-derived client can use almost the same script as ircII, above:
set exec_protection off on public - on #^public 0 * if (match(*[[* [$2-])) { exec -direct mwlink $Z$1<$0> $2- } { echo $Z$1<$0> $2- }
Note that the -direct option to /exec is used instead of the $shellfix() function, which EPIC4 does not provide.
- Note: the below instructions worked for me in Gaim v1.5.0, but it has been reported not to work with Gaim v2's.--Commander Keane 08:31, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
Use of the linkify plugin plus a wikilink config file allows you to see all those [[links]] that everyone is typing as real links.
- Wingaim users who haven't installed activeperl, download activeperl 5.8 first, as per Perl plugin support, then reinstall gaim.
- Download the Linkify Perl script from sourceforge. Copy it to your plugins directory (~/.gaim/plugins or C:\Program Files\Gaim\plugins) as described in How do I use perl scripts with Gaim?
- Currently in wingaim you need to alter the path line
my $CfgFile = "$ENV{HOME}/.gaim/linkify.cfg";
- to
my $CfgFile = "C:/Documents and Settings/YOURUSERNAME/Application Data/.gaim/linkify.cfg";
- Download the linkify.cfg example file from the same page. Copy it to ~/.gaim (or UserName\Application Data\.gaim). Currently it is set to change "Bug ###" into a clickable link to bugzilla.
- Add the lines:
# Wikipedia links \[\[([^\[\]]*)\]\]$1
- to the config file (and remove the bug linking if you care). The regexp may not be perfect, but you can all refine it! It's a wiki!
- Restart Gaim, then go to Tools > Preferences > Plugins and select the "Linkify" plugin.
(Contributed by User:Omegatron)
Met's script
[edit]Use the following script, which will make any [[links]] appear as [[links]] <>. Store it in .irssi/scripts, then you do /load script-name, although it might not take effect in an existing instance of a channel:
Met's script
use strict;
use warnings;
use Irssi;
Irssi::settings_add_str ('wikify', 'wiki_lang', 'en');
Irssi::settings_add_str ('wikify', 'wiki_active_channels', 'freenode/#wikipedia
sub wikilang {
Irssi::settings_get_str ('wiki_lang');
sub urlencode {
my $string = shift;
$string =~ y/ /_/;
$string =~ s/(\W)/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg;
return $string;
sub wikilink {
my $s = shift;
my $u = urlencode $s;
my $l = wikilang;
"[[$s]] <http://$$u>";
sub wikitemplate {
my $s = shift;
my $u = urlencode $s;
my $l = wikilang;
"{{$s}} <http://$$u>";
sub wikify {
my $line = shift;
$line =~ s/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/wikilink $1/eg;
$line =~ s/{{(.+?)}}/wikitemplate $1/eg;
return $line;
sub sig_message_public {
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
my $chatnet = $server->{chatnet};
my $ok = 0;
for my $t (split /\s+/, Irssi::settings_get_str ('wiki_active_channels')) {
$ok = 1 if lc $t eq lc "$chatnet/$target";
return unless $ok;
$msg = wikify $msg;
Irssi::signal_continue ($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target);
Irssi::signal_add_first ('message public', \&sig_message_public);
(Contributed by Ricky Clarkson, who was channelling 'met' from Freenode IRC, on #irssi)
Hocevar's script
[edit]User:Sam Hocevar has an irssi script to do much the same thing; see his Wikipedia page;
ERC is an IRC client for emacs implemented in Emacs Lisp.
The following code can be added to your emacs initialization file (I put it in ~/.emacs.d/mwlink.el). It uses the #mwlink script below, running in daemon mode (mwlink --daemon); or rather, it depends on it. Your browser will open a URL of the form http://localhost:4242/mwlink?page=<page> and get redirected to the appropriate wikimedia page. This means the following code can be relatively simple (rather than having to figure out languages, namespaces and wikis on its own.
Another note: this depends on the emacs-wiki package for the emacs-wiki-escape-url function. I also don't know how well it plays with Custom (though customizing `erc-button-alist' isn't any nicer than doing this or editing it directly).
(add-to-list 'erc-button-alist
'("\\[\\[\\(.*?\\)\\]\\]" 0 t
(lambda (page) (browse-url (concat
(emacs-wiki-escape-url page)))) 1))
IceChat 5.5 or below
[edit]- Press Control-S to bring up Script Editor
- Paste code into a new script file
- Hit "update and close" in the Main menu.
IceChat 7
[edit]- Press Control-S to bring up IceChat Editor
- Click the 'Scripts' tab, and paste the code into the blank space
- Click 'File' then 'Save As...'
- Change the extension from '*.ics' to '*.ice' (IceChat 5 Script), enter a suitable name for the file and save.
- Hit the "Save & Exit" button.
- Modified by —— Eagle (ask me for help) to accept templates. ({{this}} will result in Template:this
- Modified by —— Eagle (ask me for help) to deal with piped|links
[10:10] <Someuser> Blah blah blah [[WP:AFD]] blah blah blah. [[WP:POINT]] blah blah blah.
Function WikiMatch(TextToMatch)
Dim regEx, CurrentMatch, CurrentMatches, ActualLink, Links,
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "(\[\[.*?\|)|\[\[.*?\]\]|(\{\{.*?\}\})"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
regEx.MultiLine = True
Set CurrentMatches = regEx.Execute(TextToMatch)
For Each CurrentSearch in CurrentMatches
ActualLink = Replace(CurrentSearch,"[[", "")
ActualLink = Replace(ActualLink, "]]", "")
ActualLink = Replace(ActualLink, "{{", "Template:")
ActualLink = Replace(ActualLink, "}}", "")
ActualLink = Replace(ActualLink, "|", "")
ActualLink = Replace(ActualLink, " ", "_")
if ActualLink <> "" Then
WikiMatch = Wikimatch + "" +
End If
End Function
Sub ONTEXT(Message,Channel,Nickname,Host,ServerNumber)
Dim Matches
Matches = WikiMatch(Message)
If Matches <> "" Then
SendCommand "/echo " + Channel + " " + Matches , ServerNumber
End If
End Sub
Sub ONQUERY(Message,Nickname,Host,ServerNumber)
Dim Matches
Matches = WikiMatch(Message)
If Matches <> "" Then
SendCommand "/echo =" + Nickname + " " + Matches , ServerNumber
End If
End Sub
To use this script, select Scripting > Edit events..., right-click on the OnChannelMessage event and select New handler, then paste the script.
For using the secure server, change the following line in the used script:
KVIrc pre 4.0 script
# Parameters:
# $0 = source nick
# $1 = source username
# $2 = source host
# $3 = message
%done =0
while (%done==0)
%linkleft=$str.find(%msg, "[[", %iter)
%linkright=$str.find(%msg, "]]", %iter)
%linklength =$(%linkright-%linkleft)
%linklength = $(%linklength-2)
if ((%linkleft>=0)&&(%linklength>0))
%wikitarget = $str.mid(%msg, $(%linkleft+2), %linklength)
%url =%wikibase%wikitarget
%newtarget = $k(12)$fmtlink(%wikitarget, openurl %url)$k
# Brackets avoid mix-up when wikiword is too short
%msg = $str.replace(%msg, "[[%newtarget]]", "[[%wikitarget]]")
# Avoid infinite loop
if (%iter>8)
if (%replace)
echoprivmsg $0 $1 $2 %msg
# halt normal message processing
# Function exits without output for unprocessed messages
Version 4 introduced small changes in the scripting language KVS and thus old scripts may not work any longer. The Version 4.0+ script has additional the possibility to display URLs for wikilinks which are going to the account creation tool on the toolserver and to link templates correctly.
KVIrc 4.0+
# Parameters:
# $0 = source nick
# $1 = source username
# $2 = source host
# $3 = message
while (%done==0)
%linkleft = $str.find(%msg, "[[", %iter)
%linkleft_acc = $str.find(%msg, "[[acc:", %iter)
%linkleft_template = $str.find(%msg, "{{", %iter)
%linkright=$str.find(%msg, "}}", %iter)
%linkright=$str.find(%msg, "]]", %iter)
%linklength =$(%linkright-%linkleft)
%linklength = $(%linklength-2)
if ((%linkleft>=0)&&(%linklength>0))
%wikitarget = $str.mid(%msg, $(%linkleft+2), %linklength)
%acctarget = $str.mid(%wikitarget, $(4), %linklength)
%url =%accbase%acctarget
%url =%wikibase%wikitarget
%url =%wikibase"Template:"%wikitarget
%newtarget = $k(12)$fmtlink(%wikitarget, openurl %url)$k
# Brackets avoid mix-up when wikiword is too short
%msg = $str.replace(%msg, "[[%wikitarget]]", "[[%newtarget]]")
%msg = $str.replace(%msg, "{{%wikitarget}}", "{{%newtarget}}")
# Avoid infinite loop
if (%iter>8)
if (%replace)
echoprivmsg $0 $1 $2 %msg
# halt normal message processing
# Function exits without output for unprocessed messages
[edit]The Wordsmith's Script
; Copyright (c) 2016 The Wordsmith. ; This script is dual-licensed under the GPL, ; version 3 or (at your option) any later version. ; Redistribution of source code must retain this copyright notice and appropriate attribution. ; See for more details. on $*:text:/^\[\[.*?\]\]$/i:#:{ var %pos1 = $calc($pos($1-,[,2) + 1) var %pos2 = $pos($1-,],1) var %match = $mid($1-, %pos1, $calc(%pos2 - %pos1)) %match = $urlencode(%match) /echo $chan Wikilink: $+ %match } alias UrlEncode return $regsubex($1-, /([^a-z\d_+.-])/ig, % $+ $base( $asc(\t), 10, 16, 2) ) |
Wikilink filters
[edit]- /mwlink - Ruby program that can be run as a daemon (intercepts HTTP requests and redirects them to the appropriate Wikimedia page) or text processor (converts wikilinks to text hyperlinks).
Recent changes scripts
[edit]Here's a short script to open up all contributions from anons in browser windows (works well with tabbed browsing). CryptoDerk 23:04, Feb 15, 2005 (UTC)
Place the following in Tools->Scripts Editor under the remote tab.
ON $50:TEXT:/(http\S+) \* \d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d? /iS:#en.wikipedia: run $regml(1) alias F9 auser 50 * alias F11 ruser 50 *
Now just sit in #en.wikipedia and hit F9 to begin. Hit F11 to stop. You can change F9/F11 to whatever function keys you like.
The above script can be adapted to open specific types of edits in #cvn-wp-en:
ON $50:TEXT:/gibberish|copyvio.*diff.*(http\S+)/iS:#cvn-wp-en: run $regml(1) alias F8 auser 50 *computer@wikipedia alias F12 ruser 50 *computer@wikipedia
This will open edits that the user with the cloak "computer@wikipedia" labels as "gibberish" or "copyvio". Use F8 and F12 to start and stop the script.
Also, for a frontend to the IRC live feeds, check out CryptoDerk's Vandal Fighter.
[edit]An HTML character entity converter written in Perl that uses the ord() function to convert a character to its corresponding number in the character set. It operates on standard input.
# Code is in the public domain.
use strict;
my @input = split (//, <>);
foreach my $c ( @input ) {
if ( ord($c) >= 255 ) {
print '&#' . ord($c) . ';';
} else {
print $c;
Author: Olof
Notes: I got fed up with looking up Unicode characters, so I wrote an AppleScript for my favorite styled text editor (Style) to write them for me. Now, I can just type Japanese into a text edit window like this:
Select it, choose my script from the scripts menu, and it turns into:
小 泉 純 一 郎 小 泉 純 一 郎
which is what you can paste into the Wikipedia edit window. This is a Mac-only solution, but I thought I'd share it for those of you who can use it.
Compile the script below in ScriptEditor, and save it in the "Style Scripts" folder in the same folder where the Style application lives. I have mine saved as "Append Unicoded HTML". Thereafter it will appear in Style's "Scripts" menu.
Style is available at merzwaren ($20 shareware). I have this running on Mac OS X 10.2.1 with Style version 1.9.2.
Here's the script:
set theHTML to ""
tell application "Style"
set selText to selection of document 1 as Unicode text
set selStart to get offset of selection of document 1
set selEnd to get offset of end of selection of document 1
set dataLen to (selEnd - selStart)
end tell
set tempName to "unicode temp"
tell application "Finder"
if alias tempName exists then
move alias tempName to the trash
end if
end tell
set fileRef to open for access tempName with write permission
write selText to fileRef
set myRawData to read fileRef from 0 for dataLen
close access fileRef
tell application "Finder"
move alias tempName to the trash
end tell
set numChars to dataLen div 2
repeat with n from 1 to numChars
set theHTML to theHTML & "&#"
set a to get character (2 * n - 1) of myRawData
set b to get character (2 * n) of myRawData
set lVal to ((ASCII number b) + (256 * (ASCII number a)))
set theHTML to (theHTML & lVal as string) & "; "
end repeat
tell application "Style"
set selection of document 1 to ((selection of document 1) & " ( " & theHTML & " ) ")
end tell
- كسيپ Cyp 10:14 7 Jun 2003 (UTC) ( initial write )
- --Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 16:02, 2004 May 16 (UTC) ( major cleanup of html code, added indenting )
Known to work on:
- Internet Explorer 5.00.3502.1000
- Mozilla Firefox 0.8
You may not need a script for converting CJK characters if you have a Mac running Mac OS X 10.2 and have Mozilla as your browser. Just do the editing from within Mozilla. Mozilla automatically does the conversion. For example, in adding this edit, I type in the Japanese characters for "edit," which are 編集. Mozilla automatically converted these characters to the proper romanized Unicode format. Just look at the above lines in the editing box to see for yourself. -User: IppikiOokami 5 September 2003
<title>Unicode conversion utility</title>
<form name="charform">
<p>Type here, and all characters with a code greater than 127 will be converted to &#1234; codes.</p>
<textarea name="input" cols="80" rows="25" onKeyUp="revtxt()">
Sorry, this page is useless with JavaScript disabled.
<textarea name="output" cols="80" rows="25">
Sorry, this page is useless with JavaScript disabled.
<script type="text/javascript">
document.charform.output.value="Don't type here.";
function revtxt() {
var s=document.charform.input.value;
for( m=0;s.charAt(m);++m )
if ( (c=s.charCodeAt(m))<128&&c!=38) o+=s.charAt(m);
else if (c==38) o+="&";
else o+="&#"+c+";";
Watchlist and undeletion select-all script
[edit]This script usefully checks all checkboxes on a Wikipedia page, useful for clearing large watchlists or restoring pages with large histories. It works in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Camino and Safari.
In Firefox, create a bookmark, with the following code in the "location" field.
In Internet Explorer, create a favourite, and once it's created, right click it, select "properties" and place the following code in the "URL" box (it will give you an invalid protocol warning, but you can ignore this, and it will work).
In Safari, use the "Show all Bookmarks" option. Choose the "Bookmarks Bar" collection. Select the script below into the copy buffer and simply paste ([Command]-v) it into the window on the right. A new bookmark will automatically be created and will appear in the bookmarks bar. Re-name it something sensible like "Select All".
javascript:for (i=0; i<document.forms.length; i++) { for (j=0; j<document.forms[i].elements.length; j++) { f= document.forms[i].elements[j]; if (f.type == 'checkbox') f.checked= true; } } void 0
Upload script
[edit]A script written in Perl to mass upload photographs to Commons. See commons:User:Nichalp/Upload script.
Image file export and migration script
[edit]/ImageFileMigrator Python script to download all files from a MediaWiki and add them to another MediaWiki using a Sysop account.
Categorizing and turning link color
[edit]After visiting a Wikipedia link, that link changes color from blue to purple on my computer screen. To tag pages with categories, I've been opening all the pages at Category:NA-Class articles, for example, to turn the links purple. Then I use the All pages with prefix. Those pages for which the link still is blue need a Category:NA-Class category tag. It takes a lot of time to initially open all the pages within a particular category to turn the link from blue to purple. Is there a way to change the colors of the links in Category:NA-Class articles as the appear on my computer screen without having to visit each of the links? I tried editing my temporary internet file (browser history) and tried using the 'Print all linked documents' option of windows print feature to printing to a file (that I then deleted). I wasn't able to edit my temporary internet file (browser history) and the 'Print all linked documents' option didn't result in making the category links purple. Can you create me a script that causes all the links on a page (e.g. Category:NA-Class articles) to change color to show that I visited the page (without actually opening the linked page)? I am open to other methods as well. Thanks. GregManninLB (talk) 15:57, 17 April 2008 (UTC)
- In follow up, I posted this request at Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Requests. GregManninLB (talk) 16:10, 17 April 2008 (UTC)
Database scripting requests
[edit]There are a number of pages designed to help with Wikipedia maintenance and editing which are generated by copying the entire Wikipedia database to a machine and running a script or program on it.
Here you can request that someone with a recent copy of the database dump and the appropriate skills update the Specialpages and other pages requiring scripting.
See also: Wikipedia:Request a query.
- Wikipedia:Most-edited talk pages
- Needs to be updated. Tuf-Kat 16:41, Sep 1, 2004 (UTC)
- Special:Deadendpages
- In desperate need. The OpenTask notation needs to be updated, and everything on the current list has been completed. --Wolf530 10:17, Mar 29, 2004 (UTC)
- seems to have been completely replaced by Wikipedia:Deadend pages
- Wikipedia:Deadend pages acts as an alternative but not replacement I believe. A script so those sufficiently able can regularly update the streamlined version i.e. Special:Deadendpages would be useful for easier determining of such pages and quick removal of stale data. It'd also, arguably allow Jo(e)-enduser to have a regularly updated source of such pages without reliance/waiting on someone else to run a linkdump for the Wikipedia:Deadend pages version. Whitehorse1 | March 14 2025 13:34 (UTC)
- In desperate need. The OpenTask notation needs to be updated, and everything on the current list has been completed. --Wolf530 10:17, Mar 29, 2004 (UTC)
- Special:Lonelypages
- Wikipedians by number of edits
- Wikipedia:List of blank pages
- Operation is defunct and the page is marked as 'historical'. — Mr. Guye (talk) (contribs) 04:51, 27 August 2023 (UTC)
- Wikipedia:Most Referenced Articles
- Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links Grendelkhan 22:45, 2004 Apr 26 (UTC)
- Articles present in at least 3/6 languages --+sj+ 11:12, 2004 Mar 15 (UTC)
- Articles edited by the largest # of distinct users --+sj+ 11:12, 2004 Mar 15 (UTC)
- Wikipedia:Most wanted stubs very badly needed. --Ben Brockert 03:13, May 21, 2004 (UTC)
- Requesting database dump: List of all anon IP users with at least 1 edit. OlEnglish (talk) 03:10, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
See also
[edit]- Wikipedia:User scripts
- Wikipedia:User scripts/Requests
- Wikipedia:Scripts++ – A newsletter about scripts